Time Has Wings
This post is waaay overdue but sometimes it just can't be helped. I appreciate your coming back to see if I am still in this blogging business. So many times I have sat at this computer, knowing what I want to say, but not knowing HOW to say it. Not usually a problem for me. :-)
We are working our way through Laurie's deployment - 5 months now - and at times the going has been rough. But God has been with Laurie - and with us. While we have had a good dose of some of the realities of what Laurie is being asked to do over there, I am calming down again from this whirlwind time in our lives and back to why God gives us the faith to endure. And as always, it's the comfort needed to renew our trust.
With Fall here in it's full beauty, and with the temperatures here on the mountain getting more chilly as each day dawns, we are finding that the down comforter on our bed is so welcome at the end of the day.
Kasey is nearly done with his first 10 week term at school and is doing well. For the most part, the early morning getting ready for school days have been uneventful. With Stephen working long hours, our days are full, but I have come to enjoy the morning, afternoon, and evening routines we have come to set with housework, cooking, homework, appointments, and having some time to go out and about for some "me" time. I have enjoyed being in worship on Sunday mornings, and now attend the Bible study during the Sunday school hour as well. my neighbor and friend has asked me to join a knitting group at her church - lots of fun. My friend Sharon and I try to make sure to have coffee together one day a week - a time of sharing which is always nice. And then there are Friday mornings, when I get to spend an hour or so with Kasey and some of his classmates as a volunteer for reading groups at school. I love the way his face lights up when he sees me enter the classroom, and especially love hearing his input during the question and answer part of the hour after reading the story. It also makes me happy to have his classmates say hi to me on the mornings I take Kasey to school - or, as it happened the other day, when a little girl in Kasey's class showed me her new lunch box and gave me a narrative on it. Fun times.
But most of all, I am enjoying the fact that, as the days pass quickly here, they are passing quickly for Laurie as well. I enjoy the "grocery lists" she sends us when I tell her I'll be shopping for another package. She always starts out, "Dear Shoppers." This last time, we sent 3 very full (and heavy) boxes. When she sends an actual shopping list, Stephen always pays and I do the shopping. I love those shopping trips because they aren't for groceries here at home, but rather for Laurie. The last big boxes we sent, Laurie was so excited to receive them. She will be receiving these 3 new boxes very soon and I can't wait. Sometimes (okay, more than sometimes) when I read her thank you emails, I cry. To think that it takes such little effort to bring her happiness in the midst of where she is.
And so, time is showing us that, indeed, it has wings sometimes. And I thank God for this. I find myself thanking Him for many things these days.
Thanks for stopping by, my friends.
May God bless our troops - no matter where they serve.