Monday, February 27, 2012

Rough Around The Edges

Stephen will be home soon from his pre-deployment training.  It's been 3 weeks and all has gone well here - Kasey has been very good - getting up well on these dark winter mornings, bringing pillow and favorite blanket down to the couch to watch some Animal Planet for a few minutes until his breakfast is ready.  He is a creature of habit - a tiny little man who knows exactly what he wants.  And always please and thank yous. Church and Sunday School are now a regular part of his week - he loves it.   And I love that he can be sitting between Ron and I every Sunday and receiving a blessing when Ron and I are taking communion.  We've settled into a nice routine here and he seems glad to have grandma and grandpa around.
Well, MOST of the time.

Yesterday, though, was a bit difficult.  He had had a long weekend from school due to (grand) parent/teacher conferences.  Mine was to be on Thursday, but Thursday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland and the school canceled all conferences and kept the staff at home.  So we used the day to have breakfast at IHOP,  to do our errands, get Kasey a much needed haircut, and also grocery shopping at the commissary.  Shopping at the Commissary is an adventure.  We always try (but aren't usually successful) to shop on any day but military paydays.  (unfortunately, those are usually the days we get my pension or social security direct deposits).  Fridays and Saturdays are also bad.  And lunch time too - get the picture? 
Anyway, we were really busy but I think Kasey missed the structure of school (but I'm sure that he doesn't realize this..:-).   So yesterday, Kasey and I had a little chat and the rest of our day was awesome.  After all, we all have bad days once in awhile - even kids do.  Especially soon to be 7 year old boys with two parents in the military.
Rough patches are okay once in awhile.  It makes you think, and sit, and talk to one another. And what can help a grandma and her little boy realize respect for one another more than quiet talks with an I love you or two thrown in for extra measure?  He, ummm we, are going to need a lot of those I love yous in the weeks and months ahead.  Not to mention the prayers.  Lots of those too.

I think we've got this one - it's not in our hands anyway, right?
Thank you for that, Lord.


Karen said...

Oh LOVE will keep you together. Kasey does pretty well for a boy who hasn't had 2 parents with him for most of his life. I'm so impressed with him and with the grands that keep his life as near to normal as possible. He deserves a bad day once in awhile.
HUGS and Prayers to all,

SandyAnn said...
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SandyAnn said...

Oh my goodness, I couldn't help but smile at your activities on your snow day! You are a TRUE Western New Yorker Sue. lol We do the same thing's closed due to bad weather? Let's go shopping and out to eat! No sense in spending the day off at home!

It sounds like you and Ron have everything under control there. Blessings to both of you, and the rest of your family.
