Wednesday, June 03, 2009

From Toddler to Little Boy.

So many wonderful blessings have come our way these past 7 plus months since Kasey came to live with us. And, of course, challenges as well. Lately, just in the last few weeks, he has changed. When he first arrived, Moosey - a huge stuffed moose that I...ummm, that Santa gave him in Christmas of 07...was his constant companion. Bedtime pal, extra pillow when he turned himself around in bed at night, and just plain friend. Although it was gradual, Kasey began leaving Moosey behind when he went to bed at night...would say "oh yeah" when I asked him if he wanted him in bed. But now, Moosey remains in Kasey's toybox and he takes his hotwheels cars to bed. :) A few, and within reason. Which averages out to be 7 or 8. Now that we are all sleeping in one room - Kasey on his thick quilt on the rug in our bedroom and us on the mattress on the floor - when I wake during the night as I always do, I often hear noises. I hear the sounds of Kasey...mumbling in his sleep, turning over, and the sound of his hot wheels turning over as well. It's a funny thing, but comforting as well, to hear these things in the middle of the night. It means that yes, my boy is still warm and cozy and sleeping like a log.
And he is also more independent - takes more showers instead of baths - supervised by one of us to make sure he doesn't slip in the shower, and of course with a pair of orange goggles to protect his little eyes from the baby shampoo. Funny. (We've gone through an awful lot of that in the past couple of weeks since he's been doing this himself). And we've noticed in the last couple of weeks a spontaneity in hugs and kisses. When he first arrived, if we would ask him for a kiss, he would put his head down and let us kiss the top of his head. Now, he holds up his little face for a kiss...those wet little kisseys that I love because his face is so adorable as he is puckering up to plant the kiss.
And the hugs...not just a quick hug that sometimes misses entirely, but a real hug - both arms held there in a good hug that says I love you. Sometimes, I stop and think of the fact that in less than 3 months, he will be back at home with his daddy - this 11 month time of blessing which seemed so scary, wonderful, overwhelming all at the same time when we first began this journey- will be over. Now, I think only of the blessing - the confidence and trust Laurie and Stephen placed in us that day when Kasey was still a baby as they asked us to sign the family care forms in case their Army commitments ever required them to both be gone at the same time. From 3 year old toddler, to 4 year old little boy - and to think we are living these days with him.
And yet, I can't wait until his mommy and daddy can have him back - not that I am anxious to give him back...but that they can experience this wonderful little boy once again. Thank you, Lord...and please keep his daddy safe in the sand, and his mommy steadfast in her studies.
God, please bless our troops...and those who wait.

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a wonderful post, I can't even come up with the words I want to say--but what a tribute to a little man growing up and the faith he has in gramma and grampa and the love they have for him.