Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It's all in how you look at it.

Yesterday morning, Kasey and I didn't have a very good start. He was slow and grouchy, and I was late and stressed. He didn't want to get up, or get dressed, or eat his breakfast. There was new snow on the ground - and on the roads, and it was cold and windy. As I hurried Kasey through our morning routine, I raised my voice a few times. It surprised him - and upset me.
But by the time we were on our way to his preschool, things were better. Still, it set the tone for my day. Last night after I picked up Kasey, we went to the local convenient store for a couple of things: thick crusty bread to go with Ron's homemade sauce and meatballs; chocolate chip ice cream; some cones to put the ice cream in, and some cookies. As we stood at the checkout, Kasey was moving away toward some displays. I used my debit card to pay for the groceries and then Kasey and I left. When we got home, I took Kasey out of his carseat and went to carry the things into the house. I noticed one thing was missing: my purse. Handing every thing to Ron, I said that I would be right back - that I was going to pick up my purse. Thankfully it was still there and as I drove home I realized how blessed I am. And how sweating the small stuff really doesn't pay. And what the most important things truly are.
This morning, Kasey didn't get up well again. But I just kept coaxing him gently and he was awake in a couple of minutes asking me to carry him into the dining room for his breakfast. He was slow, but agreeable; silly, but willing to cooperate. ("ok, grandma, but WHY?") The streets were slippery but we made it to daycare ok and Kasey got to wear his baseball cap instead of the knit hat. Because in his words, it makes him look cool. Can't argue that. I was 10 minutes late getting started to work, traffic was heavy, the roads were slick. But guess who was smiling? Yup! Me! And I was there in plenty of time.
And so, beginning today, the job is important - being on time something that I don't want to compromise. But darn it, Kasey and me - we need to have good mornings. It makes for happier days for us both and for wonderful reunions at the end of each day.
I smile and thank God at the thought of so many days ahead of us. They won't always be great because there will be moments of frustration for us both. But oh the special times that are ours because of the moments we have in the early mornings - it's our time and it's a blessing for me.
I pray it is for Kasey too.
God bless our Troops.


Call Me Grandma said...

Life sure does have ups and downs in it. I like the saying don't sweat the small stuff. I try to live by that but sometimes it is so hard.
My heart goes out to you both.

Ma said...


My mother always told me the first 15 minutes in the morning and the first 15 minutes after you pick up the kids from daycare/school are the most important times in raising young children. The first 15 minutes sets the tone for the day and the first 15 minutes after picking them up is when they are the most talkative and you are not competing with tv and games.

Sounds like you have this down! You have such a servant's heart.

God Bless,
