Sunday, June 22, 2008


Today I was coming down the stairs with Veronica, not paying attention to what I was doing and stepped off the last step - suddenly realizing as I crashed to the floor that it wasn't the last step.
I fell with all my weight on my right foot and ankle, heard a crack as I went down. And there you have it - one easy lesson in how NOT to descend stairs. We took Veronica home early and went to the urgent care center and the xrays confirmed a chip in my ankle bone. So here I sit with a soft cast on my foot and ankle and looking forward (NOT) to seeing my primary care dr. in the morning and maybe an orthopedist. Lots of ibuprofen, ice, and elevate, elevate, elevate.
I can walk with a cane and as I told the dr. today this will NOT keep us from going to see the kids next week. Thank goodness I have 10 days to rest it. It could have been a whole lot worse.
So if you don't see me around for a few days, this would be why. The nurse in attendance is pretty strict so I have to do what he says. :)
God bless our troops and those who love them.


Karen said...

Better listen to that "nurse" want to be the best you can when you leave in 10 days. I'm so sorry that this happened, now especially.
HUGS from both of us here.

Anonymous said...

We ask God for signs, we try and hear His voice, we listen to the radio and the Television and try to interpret His messages. You think this was His way of telling Sue to SLOW DOWN?
I am glad it wasn't a worse injury~ But enjoy the madatory rest. And you are right, it is a great time to catch up with old friends... And let me know of any Speedy Sightings! HA!
Have a heeling day~ Annabee

Call Me Grandma said...

Hey Grandma, that last step can be a killer.
I hope it heals fast and you get to take that trip.
Prayers going out your way.

Linda said...

I used to do that at my father-in-laws house all the time guess cause he had a tall door so I always thought I was on the last step. Thank God I never broke anything. Listen to nurseRon and I hope you get better before time to go see the kids :)

Elisha said...

Praying your foot is feeling a little better. I fractured mine last summer falling off our back deck. spent the whole summer in a funny looking show not being able to to much of anything.