Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shouldn't I be in bed by now?

It's midnight and I will be groping for a noisy alarm clock at 0520...I think I should have been in bed awhile ago. Brought some work home tonight and got it all done...this will make my day a lot better tomorrow at work.
Today was not what you would call a good day - one of those Murphy's law kind of days...and yes, what can actually did (go wrong). Good thing it's the end of the week, eh?
This weekend is going to be one of those busy, non stop kind of weekends but I should get a lot done. Scott is taking Veronica out for the day on Saturday so Ron and I hope to get a LOT of stuff out of the basement...we are showing no mercy. If it doesn't look garage sale worthy, then it gets pitched. Huge garage sale at the end of the month - our whole block is doing it. This makes it a bit more worthwhile - more people should drop in.
Ron has to pack up my Noritake china that he got in Japan when he was in the Navy. It was his mom's but I inherited it and I sure can't carry that in an RV all around the country now, can I? So when we take our road trip to see the kids, we will also take the's Laurie's now.
That would make her grandma happy.
This retirement/selling the house is starting to sink in now. Hope we are able to sell it quickly so I can actually retire when we plan it. Of course I am not betting my life on it 'cause we all know that the best laid plans of mice and men...are just that. Plans. Not necessarily the will of our Father. Can't argue with the perfection of His plan, you know?
Well, tomorrow is Friday - TG. The week was one day shorter but it didn't feel shorter - know what I mean?
Thanks for stopping by...
God bless your Friday...and may He be with all of our troops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your thoughts, Cadence is doing much better. There were a few snakes last night, but she was much less afraid and her fever was much lower. This morning I think I found it gone~
Murphy's law has a purpose I think. I saw a bumper sticker once that say "If you want to make God laugh tell him your plan!" It is when we get out our calendars and schedules and start barking orders as if we are in charge that ol' Murphy, working on God's behalf, I'm convinced, shows up and takes a sharpee and scribbles all over everything! My mother has a favorite saying that goes hand in hand with this thought. "The name of the game is adjust!" I hope you are able to smile about all mishaps yesterday and be thankful that He is watching you so closely!
I wish you all the patience in the world with your move, your packing, your pitching. We have the privilage of going through such events every three years and have grown to anticipate the rotation. I hope the frustrations don't get too great!
One more thing... My brother and his wife left Bremerton, WA last September to travel the country in an RV with their two Labs and cat in tow. They spent 4 months on the road, then settled with my parents in SC while looking for a house and work. They are now in Myrtle Beach selling photography and finishing a BA and at the end of the summer they will be moving to Augusta, GA to persue work at a power plant. Thier plan was to be working by January this year! Needless to say, they've adjusted well!
All my prayers,