Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sixty Big Ones.

So this is what "beware the ides of March" means.
Today is my birthday and I am 60 years old. I'm not used to saying 60 yet. It's not a bad thing - really, I mean what is the alternative? Last night Laurie was telling me that her schedule is kind of hectic today and so she would call me this afternoon. I told her not to mess up her schedule and she said, "Mom! This is a big one - I'm not going to miss calling you."
Big as in old? Well, she did point out the benefit of the senior citizen part of the menu and we'd be able to save money for dinner now that both Ron and I are in our 60s. Smartie pants.
Seriously, God has blessed me. I have spent nearly 38 of these 60 years with Ron, have 2 wonderful birth children and their spouses - 4 children in all and we have 3 grandchildren (one more would round things out nicely, :). I have wonderful friends, a great job, am part of a great church family...
what more is there to life?
Well, my hope for the next however many years God gives me is to give back; to pass some of these blessings on to many others. I've always tried to practice "do unto others" but sometimes those best intentions get mixed up in a busy schedule and they remain intentions.
And I'd like to slow down. Just a little bit so that I can smell the roses a little longer and drink in the goodness God has bestowed on my life.
Oh and I would like to always be thankful~to always remember that without my faith and family and friends, these 60 years would be empty.
The truth of the matter is, each day for as far back as I can remember, my cup has been overflowing. Thank you, God.


Call Me Grandma said...

Happy Birthday Sue.
May God bless you today and always.
Wishing you many more Happy birthdays.
Today is my Godmother's birthday. She would have been 97. She died when she was 90.

Linda said...

Happy 60th Birthday Sue!!!!
May you have many wonderful years to come!!!