Friday, February 02, 2007

Phil – you messed up!

Ok, I realize that poor chubby little guy has to wait a whole year between each moment in the spotlight...but this year, I think he must have overlooked his shadow or else his prediction was misunderstood. My reasoning? We are going to experience the coldest temps of the season this weekend, plenty of good old lake effect snow for everyone, and even though our winter WAS a mild one until mid January, we are certainly paying dearly for it now. It's 7:30 here and the flannel pjs are waiting. Looking out the sliding glass doors of the family room to the backyard, well, the word tundra comes to mind. Phil needs to re-evaluate things I think.
I had a very unsettling day - Kasey was sick last night when I called Stephen - fever and upset stomach...he was sick a couple of weeks ago as well because it's going around his day care. So I was worried about our little buddy and this has a tendency to distract a grandma. Tomorrow Laurie will be home from her training and Kasey will have his mommy back. Stephen is such a good daddy and Kasey is blessed. But it was just a tough day wondering about Kasey. He's such a sweetie pie. Let's face it: I don't do long distance grand mothering very well. Not well at all. Some of you know exactly what I mean.

Ron is watching the History channel - World War II stuff. It’s about Panzers and bridges and the like. Wars haven't changed much - there are the good guys (always the US and our allies) and the bad guys. The bad guys show no mercy and continually make us shake our heads at their brutality. The snow and cold our guys battled makes today's weather woes seem like a cake walk. As we watch Fox news these days, we continue to shake our heads because nothing has changed.More than half a century has passed since WW II ended. I guess moms and dads and all the loved ones of soldiers serving then felt pretty much the same as we do today about Iraq and Afghanistan; going through the days because we have to, and with prayers without ceasing. It seems endless, yet we know that God - in His wisdom and grace - will bring it to an end in His appointed time. I am praying that will be soon and that those who are fighting will know that He is with them. May all of our military know that He goes with them wherever they go. Especially into battle.
Laurie will be activated on Monday - "mobilized" as the Army calls it. She will once again be a full time soldier and the plan is that she will be working stateside right where they've been for several years. That's the plan - let's hope it stays that way. The military mom roller coaster is going up that hill again – and I hope it’s not a steep one ‘cause that means it’s a long drop on the other side.
Well, I should publish this before our power goes off. Stay warm, and dry.
And pray for our troops please.
Blessings and love,

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