Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bends in the road and journeys of the heart.

The class I'm teaching for Sunday School this fall is called Road Map. My kids - a lively group of 10 7th and 8th grade boys and girls - are great. They are more than willing to share their thoughts which makes the class time really flow. This morning, we were talking about getting lost - in a car as you are traveling somewhere, or in life. I asked them to write down some things that would tell them how they know they are lost. Some of the boys were more than willing to share stories about how their moms got lost going somewhere. And then of course the girls were quick to tell some stories about how their dads got lost and wouldn't ask for directions. Like I said, they are happy to share their thoughts. But some of the kids knew what we were really looking for - and told about they would know they were headed the wrong way if drugs or alcohol suddenly seemed like a good idea. Anyway, they were understanding what the study material was trying to get across. If it feels wrong, don't go there.
How often do we set out in a direction that seems ok, only to lose our way or find that our plans change midstream? Sometimes our kids do things we don't expect (like join the military). On the day that child was born, you had no idea that would be the path he or she will take. But then you watch as the Army makes them strong, and disciplined, and willing to do what it takes to get the job done and you give thanks for the road less traveled - as you discover that it was the right way to go after all. That same road may take your heart to the sand- or to somewhere else far away, but that's just it. Your heart goes where your feet can't, and you are still traveling. Still wondering if it's where you want to go, but not wanting to stay behind.
Take any detours lately? Did you get lost - or did you find something better?
God bless your journey wherever you go.
And thanks for stopping here along the way.

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