Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My best friend for life

A reason, a season, or a lifetime.

I got one of those emails from a friend of mine - one that had been forwarded a million times but the message is new each time you receive it because it's sent by a different person. And so this one explains why people come into our's for a reason, a season or a lifetime. If someone comes into your life for a reason, you have asked for that friend...and you think that the person is a Godsend because you never could have made it through without this friend. This is true. because it's God's way of answering your prayer for help. In this friend, He is present. The friends that come into your life for a reason don't always stay...but God does ~ and you (and prayerfully the friend) are far richer than you were.
As friends come into our lives for a season, it could be to help you through several situations - or to make you laugh, and know how blessed you are by God's love. These friendships, too, are not forever, but hopefully our lives will reflect that wonderful season God gave to you both. Share the laughter, or the goodness, or the love with others. Maybe share all three.
Lifetime friends - well, those friends need to be just as blessed by your friendship as you are by theirs. Lessons learned and taught; blessings given and received; strength offered and accepted. Some of you are friends I may never meet, yet your being here is a blessing. Friends sent for a reason or a season and who are a gift. Others are helping me to realize that this season of life I am in is to be experienced to it's fullest. You encourage and give me your shoulder or your ear (sometimes I need both of your ears cause I have a lot to say).

But my lifetime friends - well many of you know who you are. My family ~ I love them so. The picture above of Ron and I is one of my favorites - the smiles are real - our love is real now, and has been for over 37 years since we first met. I can't believe God has been so gracious to me in giving me Ron to spend my life with - but I don't question it and I praise God every day.
And my "heart friends" ~ those who truly understand me. And some only God knows will be lifetime friends ~ it will be my joy to discover who those are. Lifetime doesn't necessarily mean the time we are here on earth. If you believe as I believe - in eternal life through our Lord Jesus - then we can look forward to spending our lives together for another lifetime with Him.
When we meet new friends, we may not know the length of that friendship - or why God brought that person into our lives. But we need to enjoy the blessing and thank Him each and every day...just as I thank Him for you.
It's been a few days since I last posted - busy at work and busy at home and also taking care of some issues that needed to be addressed.
But wherever you are, know that I am grateful that you are here. Even when I can't be.
See you tomorrow, friends.

1 comment:

Fran said...


Yes, friends come into your life for a reason, I do believe that.... Well said.