Monday, September 18, 2006


Well, here we are at Monday again...when someone figures out why weekends go so fast, could you please let me know? I just get used to being home and it's time to leave again. But that's ok - being at work for me is good too. Days aren't quite as hectic and with my new hours the commute is easier too because the traffic pattern is different.
Comfort is something that can be good - or it can be bad. You can be in a room full of friends whom you can be comfortable with 'cause you are comfortable to be yourself and not worry about trying to make small talk. That's a great feeling to know that silence between friends can be just as good as a long conversation.
I attended a wedding recently and sat at a table with some of my dearest friends. The small talk was good - we laughed a lot, sometimes about the silliest things. We tried to behave and not gossip; we didn't drink much at all, and we enjoyed the food as though it was the first meal that we'd eaten in weeks. Funny, isn't it? How you just know that the person sitting across from you is going to think the same exact thing you are thinking about italian bread dipped in oil; sooooo goooood. And you both say it at at the exact same time...

Then there are the moments when you know they are talking to you but you can't hear a word because of the music...and so you just shake your head yes (hopefully the appropriate response). But actually, they can tell by the blank look on your face that you didn't hear them and you start the conversation all over again. But the silence is ok too - that's when you do the people watching...I LOVE people watching, and it's especially fun to people watch with someone else...not to make fun, but it can start neat conversations. And at the end of the night, you maybe haven't spoken too many words, but you feel blessed in the comfort of sharing the evening with these friends.
Then there is another type of comfort - which isn't always good. It's the kind of comfort that keeps you from taking a leap of faith; from changing jobs because you think you've learned all there is to learn about the job you have and you don't want to learn anything new; it's not asking someone for a date because you like your routine of not having to answer to anyone. Know what I mean? This bad kind of comfort which can prevent you from making life changing decisions.
The longer I study for this upcoming exam, the more I realize that I'm not too old for change...that I LOVE my current job, but could still handle a change. Comfort is good..that good old comfortable presence of family and friends...of being in a place where you are happy and that you are with people you love. My time with Ron and the kids is like that. Ron and I can sit on the couch and watch a movie together and not say too much, but we can sense how the other one is feeling at various points of the movie. Being at that wedding had that wonderful and warm kind of comfort too.
But being so comfortable in something that you don't look ahead for new challenges...that's not good for everyone. Nope, not good for me, that's for sure. So, I guess I better hit the books, right?
Love and blessings to you all...thanks for stopping in. Hope you feel comfortable here, cause you are among friends.
See you tomorrow - God Bless you.

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