Saturday, August 12, 2006

Shelby 1996-2006


Date day today but actually, Ron and I had a wonderful date yesterday as well. First a bit of history. On Memorial Day weekend, Shelby, our Shepherd-Rottweiler mix (we had her for 9 years but we adopted her as a 1 year old) passed away unexpectedly. We have been grieving ever since. Before we went to visit the kids, we decided that the day after we got home would be used to find a new doggie to love. We decided that the only way our hearts would heal completely would be if we found a new furry friend. NOT replacing Shelby...she was a dog that could never be replaced...but finding a new friend to love. So, at 11 am yesterday, we were at the door of the local animal shelter when it opened. Our decision was almost painful and I found that a combination of things would prompt tears that I didn't know were there. First, the looks on the dogs faces as we went through the kennel. The wagging tails, their barking (as if to say "pick me"), and their sweet faces. Finally, we decided on two beautiful dogs and the difficult and painstaking process of final choosing began. The first, Cosmo, a 7 month old mix of we're not sure what, was wonderful. She was happy, was pretty well behaved, and seemed to really like us. We could tell by her webbed feet that she had some sort of water dog in her lineage, but we couldn't identify that lineage. We took her for a good walk, sat with her and played and she really was our first choice...until we met Lilly. Lilly is a smaller, and very demure 2-3 year old collie mix. She came to our shelter from an Ohio animal shelter and she had 9 puppies with her. She is submissive, loving, a kind and beautiful face. After an hour of trying to decide, Lilly won our hearts. Not by her eagerness, but by her loving ways and her willingness to just sit by our side. I cried many tears during that hour. Tears of remembrance for Shelby, of sadness because we couldn't choose Lilly and Cosmo, and because it's always so hard to choose one friend from so many others. And I think one of the reasons that endeared her to us (or at least to me as a mom) was her willingness to have given so much of herself to her puppies. To be a dog that small, to have had 9 puppies and fed them to the point where she had nothing left to give them but love...these were the endearing qualities of Lilly. Ron will pick her up on Tuesday after she has been spayed...but today we will go out and walk her and give her a few biscuits, and on Monday Ron will do the same. Today's date will also include a trip to Petsmart for all of Lilly's new gear...
Today's picture is of Shelby - taken during a 2004 camping trip. She was a magnificent animal. Lilly will have tough shoes to fill, but I do believe God has chosen another wonderful new friend for us. He is good.
Blessings on your day my friends.
GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS and those who love them.

1 comment:

Sue said...

that's a long long time to have a doggie. It IS hard to lose a pet, and you know all that going in but the years all seem to be such a blessing and if you give that friend all that
you can, it's worth it in the end. I hope that your heart heals enough to find another friend.