Monday, July 31, 2006

Gonna be awol...

Tomorrow we set out on our vacation to see Laurie, Stephen & our little Kasey. I was only supposed to work til 3 today and then we had a few things get complicated so I stayed until 4:45. That was my choice, but still I feel a lot better if the loose ends are all tied up before I leave for any length of time. So we are all packed, except for my girlie stuff that I use in the morning like makeup and curling know the drill. :)
We've been waiting for this vacation for a long time. It's my first visit to their new home since they moved in...Ron was there in May to help with projects and to spoil Kasey. I will probably check in once or twice but we are renting a cabin with Laurie and Stephen for a few days so no computer. As much as I enjoy the computer, it will be nice to just be away from everything. Know what I mean? I'm taking a little camoflage Bible with me - Psalms and New Testament - easy to tuck into any suitcase and I am counting on some quiet mornings with the Lord. We'll be busy but there will surely be some time with Him.
Before I go, know that you are in my heart, especially my friends with deployed - or ready to be deployed - soldiers. For Emily, Barb, Wendy and Fran and anyone else reading this - may God keep you and your soldiers strong until you are reunited.
I wish that all of you could be taking a trip to see your soldiers as Ron and I are.
Be blessed my friends - God is watching over us all and holds us close.
May His love & peace be with you, & may His grace be sufficient for us all. Sue

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